Sports administration service software for professional & amateur games.

We know the work that goes into running a first class event. Our software and service offerings have been developed with one goal in mind; to make sure that your games are as successful as possible. We have engineered our solution utilising the extensive knowledge and experience gained over the last 10 years.

Reasons to use exis

  • Experience dating back to 2001
  • Indepth knowledge of the sports & byelaws
  • Commitment to delivering the best solution possible
  • We always strive to improve
  • Proven track record of success
  • Flexible framework, new sports and events can be added
Tell me more

Sites delivered using exis

The following sites were all delived using the exis administration and results solution. Please feel free to take a look and see some of what we offer:

Gotland 2017 Logo
Jersey 2015 Logo
Bermuda 2013 Logo
CYG 2011 Logo
Isle of Wight 2011 Logo
Aland 2009 Logo
Rhodes 2007 Logo
Shetland 2005 Logo